fussy cut How to Use the Magnetic Rotating Cutting Mat by SewTites with the Jaybird Quilts Fussy Cut Shapes
In this video Julie, of Jaybird Quilts, demonstrates how to use the Rotating Self-Healing Cutting Mat with the Jaybird Quilts Fussy Cut Shapes. ...
english paper piecing English Paper Piecing with Stacey Lee
This is a fantastic overview and tutorial of how to English Paper Piece, featuring SewTites Hand Mix and Magnetic Pin Holder.
machine embroidery Becky, of Power Tools with Thread on How She Uses Sewtites
Join us to chat with Becky of Power Tools with Thread about how she uses SewTites in her quilting and Machine Embroidery. Get the SewTites Becky r...
garment sewing Projector Sewing with the Sew Magnetic Cutting System, a conversation with Aaronica
Join Tara and Aaronica to discuss projector sewing and cutting out pattern pieces with the Sew Magnetic Cutting System. Aaronica reviewed the Sew...
reviews Jaybird Quilts Reviews the QuikHang Quilt Hanging System
Julie of Jaybird Quilts and Lazy Girl Designs reviews the QuikHang Quilt Hanging System.
reviews Mx Domestic Reviews SewTites
Mathew of Mx Domestic reviews the whole line of SewTites, include the QuikHang Quilt Hanging System and the EPP Bundle.
Machine Embroidery with SookieSews and SewTites
Watch the conversation with Sue of SookieSews about Machine Embroidery with SewTites.
How to Use the Flat Back Stitching EPP Palette, with Laura Silvers
Learn how to use the Flat Back Stitching EPP Palette in this live convo with Laura Silvers.
english paper piecing How to Flat Back Stitch with the English Paper Piecing Palette and SewTites
In this tutorial, Laura Silvers teaches how two ways to use the Flat Back Stitching English Paper Piecing Palette with SewTites. She demonstrates h...
sew n stand Déballage du support Sew N avec Jennifer de The Sewing Report
Nous avons été ravis de voir Jennifer de The Sewing Report déballer notre nouveau Sew N Stand lors de sa diffusion en direct du réveillon du Nouve...
sew magnetic cutting system QuilToni utilise le système de coupe magnétique Sew avec une règle de stripologie
Nous aimons voir comment vous utilisez le système de coupe magnétique Sew ! Dans cette vidéo, Toni de QuilToni déballe son système de coupe et l'e...
quilting Guide cadeaux SewTites pour les couturières et les quilteuses 2023
Vous vous demandez quoi offrir à la couturière ou au quilteuse qui semble avoir tout ? SewTites est là pour faciliter vos achats ! Ne manquez ...